We're co-designers, co-producers and co-consumers of public diplomacy.
Cyber diplomacy is broadly defined as the use of public diplomacy tools set to cyber challenges, and encompasses: building collective response to cyber threats; negotiating a cyber stability framework that includes rules for actions in cyberspace; negotiating agreements and cooperative frameworks; ensuring human rights are respected in cyberspace; using diplomatic tools to respond to threats; fostering capacity building; and integrating cyber issues into larger discussions of national and international security.
How are Information and Communication Technologies Affecting Public Diplomacy?
At its session on organizational matters, on 24 February 2022, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime -UNODC Ad Hoc Committee, recalling paragraph 9 of General Assembly resolution 75/282 of 26 May 2021, decided to approve the participation of the Institut de diplomatie publique in the sessions of the UN Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention for Countering the Use of Information and Communication Technologies-ICT- for Criminal Purposes.
Recent Actions
Engagement with the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes
Modalities of the participation of multi-stakeholders
First session
Second session
Global eLearning Programmes
Course Overview
1. Land Border Interdiction
2. Airport Interdiction Techniques and Risk Assessment
3. Seaport Interdiction Techniques and Risk Assessment
4. Container Profiling and Examination
5. Interview and Search of Persons
6. Controlled Deliveries
7. Investigating Drug Organised Crime
8. Clandestine Laboratories and Precursor Control
9. Money Laundering and Financial Crimes
10. Crime Scene Investigation
11. Introduction and Application of Intelligence
12. Intelligence Analysis
13. Human Trafficking
14. Smuggling of Migrants
15. Human Rights
16. Security Document Examination
17. Wildlife and Forest Crime
18. Risk Management
19. Cybercrime
21. Anti-Corruption
22. Drug Identification and Testing
23. Gender Issues
24. Investigating Sexual Exploitation of Children
25. Investigating Sexual Exploitation of Children for Specialist Investigators
26. International Narcotics Control Board
27. Safe Handling and Disposal of Chemicals in Remote, Developing and Non-Secure Environments
28. Strengthening National Evaluation Capacity
29. Firearms Trafficking
30. HIV Service Provision for People Who Inject Drugs
31. Organized Crime
32. Judicial Ethics
33. Counter-Terrorism
34. The Nelson Mandela Rules
35. Basic Training for National Police Service of Kenya
36. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of India
37. United Nations Integrity Curriculum
38. Maritime Crime
39. Children Associated with Terrorist and Violent Extremist Groups
40. Preventing Violent Extremism through Sport
41. Coming soon
Online training course on cyberdiplomacy
Based on the assessments and recommendations of the GGE reports, the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs has developed, with the support of the Government of Singapore and in collaboration with other key partners, this online training course to encourage greater understanding of the use of ICTs and its implications for international security.