We're co-designers, co-producers and co-consumers of public diplomacy.
Free Resources
For Public Diplomacy Practitioners and Stakeholders.
Effective implementation of international agreements requires public diplomacy practitioners and various actors to work together and strengthen their collaborative and integrated approaches with stakeholders.
For the contributions of non-state actors toward the successful implementation of agreements to be meaningful and useful, capacity development is required to enhance their knowledge.
Both public diplomats and stakeholders require access to information to fully understand their roles and mechanisms that can be used to engage effectively with one another, governments, and international organizations.
E-Learning (Free Non-Degree Courses)
One of the key goals of the Institut de diplomatie publique as a non-state stakeholder in public diplomacy is to engage in intergovernmental decision and policy-making processes through access to intergovernmental processes and events.
In this context, higher skills and newly acquired awareness are needed for public diplomacy practitioners to demonstrate a high level of engagement in all major intergovernmental processes related to the 2030 Agenda for the most effective outcomes.
All external courses listed below are recommended by the Institute and therefore offer CPD points. Members should use their own discretion and judgment when deciding which courses qualify for CPD and are of relevance.
United Nations Courses
International Monetary Fund Courses
The IMF Online Learning Program
aims at strengthening the technical knowledge and expertise in government agencies with a view to developing and implementing sound economic and financial policies fostering stability and growth.
SDG Courses
Free, open educational resources from the world’s leading experts on sustainable development
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
United Nations Courses
World Health Organization
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information and cooperation.
United Nations Environment Programme
WTO Courses
UNHCR teaching materials on refugees
UNHCR teaching materials on refugees, asylum and migration for primary and secondary education, as well as some guidance for teachers working with refugee children in the classroom
Research Resources
Seminars, Training Programs
Would you like to blog for the Institute?
We’d love to read what you have to say on subjects that resonate with the public diplomacy and communications community. Perhaps you’re passionate about improving diversity, equity and inclusion within the industry. Maybe you’re a representative of civil society, academia, business with a solution to better stakeholder management or you simply want to reflect on how a fast-moving news agenda is shaking up the sector. Whatever your thoughts, we’re always looking for bloggers! Read our guide to writing blogs and then contact us.