We're co-designers, co-producers and co-consumers of public diplomacy.

Health Diplomacy
According to the World Health Organization, global health diplomacy is an emerging field that bridges the disciplines of public health, international affairs, management, law, and economics, with a focus on negotiations that impact the global policy environment for health.
Achieving a sustainable future requires action from public diplomacy practitioners in many SDGs and emerging areas, such as the response to the global health crisis.
The Institute is actively engaged in a transformation process aimed at promoting health and serving vulnerable groups through health diplomacy.
As part of this process, the Institute recognizes the need to understand the many non-medical factors affecting health for the success of health policies.
Applying a multidisciplinary approach requires the adoption of methods, practical tools and techniques drawn from environmental, agricultural and social sciences, among others. This scientific evidence can contribute to and complement other public health efforts that focus on the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes.
At the Institute we also believe, that global health requires more inclusive multilateral negotiations and needs to involve a wide range of non-state actors.
Institut de diplomatie publique acts as a space to test, model, and scale successful practices in health diplomacy providing its resources for analysis to serve stakeholders who develop, implement, or teach all aspects of health and diplomacy.

About the Health Diplomacy Division
The Health Diplomacy Division is a network aimed to develop rising voices of health diplomacy practitioners with a targeted focus on vulnerable populations, under-represented communities, and minority groups, in particular in developing countries, through health diplomacy initiatives and programs focused on cross-disciplinary competency, global health security, and multi-stakeholder partnerships within Goals 3 and 17.
Currently, this collaborative project is supported by over
20+ scientists (Doctor/Ph.D. members of the Institute),
70+ experts and professionals (Professional members), and observers.
During 2020-2024, notable progress has been achieved at the Institute in the representation of under-represented voices in multilateral institutions such as the World Bank, the IMF and the World Health Organization.
However, representatives continue to face challenges in integrating their inputs into the work of these institutions, effectively participating in international negotiations, and implementing necessary policies domestically.
These challenges stem from the dominance of knowledge paradigms in the international arena that do not fully consider the contexts and expertise of developing countries, as well as from limited financial resources.
Where, how & who we represent
More than half of the world’s population does not have adequate access to health services, and millions of people are being pushed into extreme poverty because they must pay unfair prices for health care.
Building resilience means that the vulnerable populations must drive change, rather than be the recipients of it.
To that end, the Institute pursues innovative solutions to support these groups during negotiations.
The Institute supports NSA participation in several intergovernmental processes and major international conferences.
Partnerships with grass-roots organizations foster their dialogue with policymakers and ensure that their voices are not excluded from these important processes.
The Institute regularly receives special accreditations for conferences, summits, meetings, or other health-related events organized by IOs.
We represent:
under-served communities
minority groups
in STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATIONS and keep them up to date on the discussions that impact them.
(SDG 17)
Civil society representatives, despite being subject matter experts, often lack expertise in health diplomacy — i.e., negotiations — leading to imbalanced negotiations and input in global discussions.
We aim to offer civil society representatives better channels of engagement with the wider community through public diplomacy and a greater capacity to influence the global health policy agenda.
Reducing inequalities and amplifying underrepresented voices through health diplomacy and multistakeholder partnerships
Partnerships with grass-roots organizations foster their dialogue with policymakers and ensure that their voices are not excluded from important intergovernmental processes.
Experimental methods in health diplomacy
We develop approaches and propose solutions that emerge as the result of the synergy among health, environment, tourism, diplomacy, IR, PR, policy and strategy professionals.
Connect with the health problems- Generate new ideas- Build solutions.

Free Resources
Health Diplomacy Resources
Free Courses
Ongoing events
WHO CSC Recourses
World Health Organization (WHO) Civil Society Commission
The Institute as a WHO Civil Society Commission participant actively participates at the WHO Civil Society Commission’s regular General and ad hoc meetings and supports the WHO CSC, its purpose, goals, objectives, guiding principles, work and activities.
Co-creating policy tools, testing and implementing best practices
About our work
We look forward to representing the voices of non-state actors, in particular, under-represented communities and minority groups, ensuring their inclusion and participation in advancing the WHO's work on public health, while providing innovative ways through which the WHO can engage better with these actors.
The Institute seeks applications from experts for the Science Council.
The Council will provide independent advice to the Institute on
how to apply the related sciences to health diplomacy,
how best to apply science approaches within the Institute,
advise the Institute on the implementation of the conventions,
make recommendations to the Institute for the adoption of operational frameworks for the mainstreaming of sciences into health diplomacy activities.
Please kindly consider applying if you are a recognized expert in this field.
New opportunities: inputs for first UHPR Global Peer Review
The World Health Organization appreciates the unique and important role civil society and non-governmental organizations play in multilateral peer review mechanisms and regularly requests written submissions on the UHPR national reports from NGOs, SCOs, and other stakeholders.
Recognizing the critical role civil society plays in health emergency preparedness, response, and resilience, the UHPR applies whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches that involve all stakeholders, including communities and participants beyond the health sector.
Currently, we have the opportunity to submit written submissions on the UHPR national reports of the Central African Republic, Portugal and Thailand.
Also, we can provide questions, recommendations, or
observations on the national report produced as part of the national review phase.
All written submissions must be in line with the established admissibility criteria.
Comments from these written submissions will be compiled by the WHO Secretariat and circulated to all Member States for their consideration ahead of the peer review.
International Global Health Events
Health is an important connector between the different SDGs and a starting point for diplomatic solutions.
By participating in international processes and meetings, Institut de diplomatie publique raises awareness of the health dimensions of all the SDG targets. Together with partners, the Institute sheds new light on how health-related solutions make it possible to successfully address several problems at the same time. This new public diplomacy approach can pave the way to the future we want.
Health Tourism Diplomacy
Health tourism serves as a conduit for establishing and strengthening diplomatic bonds between nations.
It has become a serious area of competition in the world in recent years due to its more than 100 billion dollars volume in the world. Various stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, civil society, the private sector, and academia, want to be a part of this competition.
Countries that host a considerable number of health tourists often engage in global health diplomacy, fostering collaboration with other stakeholders. This form of public diplomacy leads to the development of international agreements, memoranda of understanding, and strategic partnerships. Today, the health tourism ecosystem includes not only healthcare providers such as hospitals and clinics, medical travel facilitators, government and regulatory agencies, insurance,the hospitality sector, including airlines, and hotels but also health diplomacy practitioners.
Join the Institute to change a future where borders are no longer barriers to superior medical care!
Let's explore the innovative possibilities of health diplomacy, creating a world where personalized, efficient, and accessible healthcare is the new norm.
Health Diplomacy in action: The Institute participated in Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund

Breaking the taboos around menstrual health for sustainable development
Menstrual Health is not directly stated in the SDGs targets for goals 3 (health), 5 (gender equality) or 6 (water and sanitation). however, grassroots organizations and health diplomats from Africa and Asia, have been drawing attention of the Institute to silence and stigma related to menstrual health and the barriers they face.
For example, Doctor/ PhD member of the Institut de diplomatie publique Nissi Linda Ikenna-Amadi nee Kalio says "Here, in Africa, our culture and practices also have a twist to Menstruation as some other cultures do. Often women are stigmatized, shamed and mocked over a natural biological flow that brings balance to reproduction. This is as a result of misinformation. Proper information, education and open discussion have become vital for promoting the menstrual health of African women, helping her break and taboos, still find relevance in society. African Women Mentoring and Inspiring Initiative in her mission to empower African women on their journey to self-discovery, engages with communities, churches, schools, marketplaces, and corporate organizations where women await positive impact in Africa by providing free sanitary pads, promoting proper use, and disposal, alongside other activities".
The Institute welcomes activists, notably those from developing countries, who have doggedly championed menstrual health.
To address these challenges effectively, at the Institute, health diplomats must enhance data availability and deepen our understanding of the barriers faced by women and girls.
The multi-dimensional issues that women and adolescent girls face require multi-sectoral interventions.

Every year, on May 28, we celebrate World Menstrual Hygiene Day, a time to spotlight the importance of menstrual health.
Help us improve our work
We are glad to inform you that leading to the next virtual meeting we gather your input on the current and future planned work of the Institute. Those who have not yet had a chance to complete the survey, we urge you to do so as we are keen to learn about your views in going forward together.