We're co-designers, co-producers and co-consumers of public diplomacy.
Who can be a cultural diplomat?
Our Response: everyone!
You will receive a certificate in recognition of your contribution. Everyone is encouraged to take part, as every contribution counts.
Unleash the potential of culture in diplomacy!
Culture is who we are, and what shapes our identity. Placing culture at the heart of development policies is the only way to ensure a human-centred diplomacy.
Institut de diplomatie publique acts as a space to test, model, and scale successful practices in cultural diplomacy with a special focus on nonverbal communication across cultures.
International Cultural Heritage Conventions
International conventions are subject to ratification, acceptance, or accession by States. They define rules with which the States undertake to comply
The Institute analyzes the norms of international cultural heritage conventions and operational guidelines to identify the rights, obligations, status and roles of non-state actors
Certified International Convention Expert Online Course
Available soon
Designed to equip non-state actors and cultural diplomacy practitioners with the essential skills and knowledge.
Global Convention on Higher Education
Convention against Discrimination in Education
Diversity of Cultural Expressions
Man and the Biosphere Programme
International Convention against Doping in Sport
Underwater Cultural Heritage 2001 Convention
Cultural Heritage & Armed Conflicts (Convention 1954)
Fight Illicit Trafficking (1970 Convention)
The World Heritage Convention
The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
The Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage
The Hague Convention
The Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
Addressing under-representation and active participation in culture
There are several relevant and established areas of underrepresentation and inequality within culture. Some have been the subject of targeted interventions for many years with disappointingly limited effects. At the Institute, we want to establish effective interventions that address them and are testing new innovative approaches in order to assess which are most effective. We will embed learning and good practice from this work across the public diplomacy discipline. Our members are piloting new approaches and launching calls that put inequalities and under-representation at the forefront.
Fixing the system
The system needs fixing and not just to include particular groups or to provide opportunities to a select few, but to provide the opportunity for everyone to participate in cultural diplomacy, and to develop their skills and contribute their ideas.
Addressing under-representation
Addressing inequalities
Taking the next steps
To ensure the inclusion we need to succeed, we create opportunities for people to contribute to our actions and policy development.
We welcome feedback on what we are doing and ideas about how we can work together to achieve our vision of cultural diplomacy, where everyone has the opportunity to contribute and to benefit. You can reach us at: info@institut.uk
Diplomacy & Fashion | Fashion Diplomacy
Fashion diplomacy is a manifestation of soft power, where culture and values are the conduits for influence.
Exploring the Unspoken Language of Diplomacy: Dress Codes at International Events
Fashion diplomacy beyond formal occasions
The clothes we wear can have a significant impact on how we are perceived by others, and this extends to cultural diplomacy as well. Fashion diplomacy is the use of clothing and personal style to convey a message or represent a country’s culture and values. It goes beyond simply wearing traditional attire or national symbols; it is about using fashion as a tool for communication and connection. Fashion diplomacy has the potential to shape global perceptions in ways we may not even realize. Fashion diplomacy is not limited to formal occasions; it can also be seen in everyday interactions between nations.
Help us improve our work
We are glad to inform you that leading to the next virtual meeting we gather your input on the current and future planned work of the Institute. Those who have not yet had a chance to complete the survey, we urge you to do so as we are keen to learn about your views in going forward together.