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Environmental diplomacy

Environmental diplomacy

is a key element of our work.

Environmental diplomacy addresses issues and actions related to environmental security and involves a wide range of actors.

We draw upon our collective knowledge and expertise to:

  • facilitate the intergovernmental climate change negotiations, 

  • promote positive, solutions-driven approaches to combat climate change,

  • highlight transformational climate action, and improve public understanding of the issue.

Be a part of the solution: join our work and receive the certificate


Reasons to join us and Objectives

The main objectives of the Institut’s outputs in 2024 are:
To engage in knowledge exchange among different stakeholders, including multilateral international and supranational organizations that are directly engaged in Green Transition and global governance;
Facilitate internal learning within the Institute and dissemination of findings among the wider audiences interested in addressing global environmental issues.

We created this digital platform geared toward knowledge circulation among NSA, focusing on three areas - environmental issues and structural inequalities, Just Green Transition, and converting non-state actors into change agents of ecologic and digital transformations.


How we work

The Institut will continue to:

  • Carry out promotional and educational activities by introducing our programs on environmental issues;

  • Conduct surveys and research on environmental issues, and develop relevant proposals; 

  • Implement continuous training through seminars and guidance programs for members engaged in Institut's activities.

  • Development of concrete proposals for the implementation and follow-up of the commitments 


Receiving the certificate

Coming soon

Free Resources for Public Diplomacy Practitioners and Stakeholders

Both environmental diplomacy practitioners and stakeholders require access to information to fully understand their roles and mechanisms that can be used to engage effectively with one another, governments, and international organizations.

Collecting inputs, contributions, and suggestions from members and stakeholders on ways to improve the implementation of the Convention and the Protocols thereto.

The Institute was invited to participate in the Joint Constructive Dialogue to be held following the conclusion of the fifteenth meeting of the Working Group of Government Experts on Technical Assistance and the fifteenth meeting of the Working Group on International Cooperation.


Thematic area 1: Preventing and  combating crimes that affect the environment

  • root causes of crimes

  • good practices

  • raising awareness

  • linkages with other forms of crime, particularly corruption and economic crimes

  • illicit financial flows derived from crimes that affect the environment 

  • confiscation of the proceeds of crimes

  • victim and witness protection

  • other considerations


Thematic area 2:
Strengthening international cooperation to address crimes that affect the environment 

How public diplomacy practitioners can make the best use of existing international instruments and strengthen international cooperation


Thematic area 3:
Development of concrete proposals 


The Institut will continue to:

  • Carry out promotional and educational activities by introducing our programs on environmental issues;

  • Conduct surveys and research on environmental issues, and develop relevant proposals; 

  • Implement continuous training through seminars and guidance programs for members engaged in Institut's activities.

  • Development of concrete proposals for the implementation and follow-up of the commitments 

Explore our latest participation in environmental events


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