We're co-designers, co-producers and co-consumers of public diplomacy.
United Nations-UN
The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Currently made up of 193 Member States, the UN and its work are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter.
One of the key goals of non-State stakeholders is to engage in intergovernmental decision and policy making processes through access to intergovernmental processes and events related to sustainable development.
Our Areas of Common Interest With the UN
First common interest: both researchers and practitioners of public diplomacy have a role to play in helping UN Work on the SDGs to build a more sustainable world (Sustainable development diplomacy ).
Our second common interest is UN Work on Climate
(Environmental diplomacy). Through our work we examine issues such as the impact of climate disasters and climate-driven migration ( Disaster Diplomacy , Migration diplomacy on macroeconomic outcomes.
How can public diplomacy practitioners get involved in UN's work?
UN's engagement with NGOs
The United Nations recognizes the importance of partnering with NGOs, because doing so advances its ideals, and helps support its work.
WHO Civil Society Commission
The mission of the WHO Civil Society Commission is to strengthen dialogue, foster collaboration and provide recommendations to support WHO on its engagement with civil society at global, regional and national levels to achieve health for all and the objectives of the WHO General Programme of Work as well as to accelerate attainment of health-related SDGs.
United Nations Events
The Institute strongly supports a multilateral system that is anchored in the United Nations, its politics and institutions.
By participating in the UN events, we intend to contribute to a reform process that ultimately leads to a system of global governance that is more democratic, coherent and effective.
While Member States remain the decision-makers of the United Nations, all non-state stakeholders, including public diplomacy community, should assume their role as decision-shapers through science and culture, e.g. by providing scientific and expert advice to inform and support decision-making in global policy.
For this purpose, the Institute regularly receives special accreditations for conferences, summits, meetings, or other events organized by the UN.
The Institute aims to bring relevant data, perspectives and contributions from public diplomacy community to the United Nations and encourages members to bring their contributions regarding key issues under discussion in the UN.
Doctor/Ph.D. Members and Professional Members of the Institute are invited to indicate their interest to participate in the UN events.
Approval to represent the Institute in the UN events is based on due diligence and risk assessment, in accordance with the eligibility criteria and in accordance with Institute’s rules and policies.
To participate in an event listed on this site, look for the link for the event of your interest and contact us.
We will heighten our collaboration at the global and national levels with United Nations agencies and their partners.
Our intention is to accelerate our reach and ability to advance responsible public diplomacy practices around the world.
How are Information and Communication Technologies Affecting Public Diplomacy?
At its session on organizational matters, on 24 February 2022, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime -UNODC Ad Hoc Committee, recalling paragraph 9 of General Assembly resolution 75/282 of 26 May 2021, decided to approve the participation of the Institut de diplomatie publique in the sessions of the UN Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention for Countering the Use of Information and Communication Technologies-ICT- for Criminal Purposes.